Company Profile

North West Mull Community Woodland Company (NWMCWC)

Penmore Mill
Isle of Mull
Argyll, Scotland
United Kingdom (UK)
PA75 6QS
Website Address:

NWMCWC was set up in 2006 to purchase and manage the Langamull and West Ardhu forests in the north west of Mull. The woodlands were purchased through the National Forest Land Scheme from Forestry Commission Scotland with the assistance of the Scottish Land Fund, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, The Robertson Trust, Hugh Fraser Foundation, significant local fundraising and an interest free loan.

In order to bring the timber to market the company had to construct a 16.5km haul route, the total cost of this was just under £2.4 million, of which just under £700,000 was borne by the company in the form of an interest free loan, this loan is now being paid back by our harvesting output from Langamull forest

To date the company has successfully set up nine forest crofts which are all now let as well as building a forest school. As soon as the harvesting was finished in Langamull North an all access path along with signage were created for the archaeological site at Kildavie.

Currently we are working on establishing a micro-hydro scheme within West Ardhu forest as well a woodland burial ground in Langamull.

In 2013 the company purchased Crannich woodfuel to form Island Woodfuels ( The reasoning behind this was threefold:

- provide an additional revenue stream for the company going forward
- provide local employment
- ensure the long term supply of woodfuel to users on the island


The community buy- out of the Isle of Ulva succesfully completed on 21st June 2018. This brought the island back into the community’s hands in order to re-invigorate the economy and social fabric of the island.
This marks a crossroads in the history of Ulva and North West Mull. It provides a golden opportunity to ensure the survival and bolster the development of a fragile and remote community, enabling a vibrant and sustainable future for generations to come.
Sustainable community benefit is dependent on more people living and working year-round on the island itself and the way to achieve this is for the land to be owned and managed by the community.

Our plans for Ulva are:

-Provide security of tenure for existing and future residents
-Improve housing stock and other buildings
-Improve infrastructure
-Revitalise and expand agriculture
-Manage forestry sustainably and seek new opportunities
-Unlock the very large tourism potential largely untapped at present
-Care for and promote the cultural heritage of the island
-Enhance biodiversity and conserve sensitive habitats and species
-Safeguard natural habitats of the isolated associated islands and skerries
-Support Marine Industries, Fishing and Aquaculture

The aim is for economic and social development leading to sustainable population increases. After 5 years a doubling to 10 people, after 10 years up to 20 people and ultimately after 20 years or so as many as 30 or more full time residents on the island are envisaged.

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