The British Society of Soil Science
About Us
The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS), founded in 1947, is an established international membership organisation committed to the study of soil in its widest aspects. The Society covers soil science in its applications to, agriculture, horticulture and forestry and other branches of science and technology that impinge on the soil. The Society acts as a forum for the exchange of ideas and provides a framework for representing the views of soil scientists to other organisations and decision making bodies.
Soil is a very precious resource that has a range of functions. These include support for plants, ecosystem biodiversity, and growing medium for crops. Soils interact with the wider environment, acting as a store and filter for water. Soils support many human activities, and preserve evidence of our cultural heritage.
What can we do for you?
- Publications — with your membership you will receive copies of our journals; The European Journal of Soil Science and Soil Use and Management.
- Newsletter— you will receive a newsletter twice a year along with mailings informing you of Society meetings, opinions, activities and general membership news.
- Conferences—The Society sponsors an annual Autumn conference along with joint meetings with other organisations held throughout the year. As a member you will receive a reduced registration rate.
- Regional/ special interest groups— These groups organise their own meetings and activities, financially supported by BSSS.
- Grants — A variety of grants are awarded ranging from individual grants to groups organising expeditions where a study of soils and their utilisation is a major objective. Funding for individuals, particularly students wishing to attend conferences/ meetings sponsored by the Society (fully or in part) are also available. Grants may also be awarded to teachers organising school projects which involve a constructive study of soils.
Membership categories
- Individual (£50) — Most members belong to this group, entitling them to voting privileges and all the benefits listed before.
- Student (£30) — Student members of the society are entitled to all the above benefits but pay a reduced fee.
- Retired Members — Members of the Society that have retired may apply to Council to pay a single subscription equal to one current annual subscription and thenceforth to receive all the privileges of membership, except the Society journals.
- Life Member — Available at a rate of 10 times the prevailing direct debit rate.
Please note that membership fees are handled on a calendar year basis.
Join Us
The British Society of Soil Science encourages anyone with an interest in soil, whether this interest lies in the soil itself or its wider utilisation within the environment, to join the society.
If you would like to apply for membership please contact
Dr Kathryn Allton
Building 53, Cranfield University,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire.
MK43 0AL
Tel: +44 (0)1234 752 983
Fax: +44(0)1234 752 970
Types of Soil Science jobs
Wetland specialist
Watershed technician
Hydrologist with Board of Health
Environmental technician
Soil and water quality specialist
Soil Conservationist
County Agricultural Agent
Landscaping business
Cooperative Extension Agent
Engineering Technician
Environmental Engineer
Farm Advisor
Hazardous Waste Specialist
Laboratory Technician/Assistant
Range Conservationist
Range Manager
On-site evaluation
Crop consultant
Soil scientist, mapping and interpretation, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Research technician
Conservation planner
District marketing manager for an agricultural firm
County conservationist
Crop production specialist
Research scientist
Agricultural Product Salesperson
Soil Chemist
Soil Conservation Technician
Soil Conservationist
Soil Fertility Expert
Soil Mapper
Soil Morphologist
Soil Physicist
Soil Scientist
Soil Surveyor
Soils Analyst
Soils Tester
Staff Research Associate
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