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About GreenJobs
We are a specialist job board that focuses on jobs and careers in the green industry sector both in the United Kingdom and globally. Each month we promote hundreds of job postings across a variety of sectors including environmental jobs, environment jobs, renewable energy jobs and renewable jobs.
For Jobseekers
Each month thousands of highly qualified active and passive professionals use our job board as it has been designed to be user friendly and intuitive for the jobseeker to use and provides them with the widest choice of suitable vacancies and the best possible functionality. Our job search functionality allows candidates to specify the exact type of role that they are interested in finding out more about as they can narrow their job search criteria by job title, job type, job sector, job category, salary, education level and location. When a candidate registers with GreenJobs they are given access to a free candidate management system. This allows the candidate to upload and edit their CV, set up job alerts by email that immediately notifies them of suitable job opportunities, add jobs to a wish list and track all the applications that they have made to suitable job postings. Furthermore the "Smartsearch" technology that we have developed ensures that job seekers are able to find the exact type of vacancy that they want, receive automatic recommendations on other suitable positions and email suitable job opportunities to friends and colleagues.
Register today to ensure that you do not miss out on your dream job.
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Market leading organisations use our job board as an integral part of their candidate attraction strategy as we make the recruitment process quick, easy and cost effective for them. Furthermore, our tailored recruitment solutions, such as featured jobs, featured employers and newsletter sponsorship, allow organisations to highlight their employer brand proposition and win the war for talent. The recruiter management system has been designed to be extremely user friendly and it gives our clients full control of their recruitment campaign as well as being fully integrated with job posting distribution services such as Broadbean, Idibu and Logic Melon. Clients can easily manage their recruitment process with functionality such as the ability to post, edit and delete their job postings. Furthermore, applications to their advertised job postings are sent straight to their inbox, this means that active job seekers can be contacted immediately. Our recruiter management system allows our clients to pre-qualify candidates by asking them to complete several important questions when they apply to their jobs. This information allows them to make a quick judgement call on whom the most suitable candidates are to take to the next stage of the recruitment process.
If you are an employer interested in finding how we can assist with your candidate attraction strategy or if you are looking to advertise your vacancies, please contact us by email at
Green Industry Overview
Green industry jobs include any employment that positively impacts our planet and forms a critical part of our low carbon future. Green industry jobs consist of opportunities in renewable energy, low carbon technology and a range of jobs in the environment and energy sectors.
Businesses nationwide have contributed to the rise of green industry jobs, ensuring sufficient support to enable people to access careers within the green economy. Individuals from all communities and social backgrounds must be part of this low carbon transition.
Green jobs have the potential to generate long-term employment for many people in the UK and create healthier, happier, and greener communities. There are targets set to invest in green job development. By 2030, the UK Government has promised to deliver two million jobs in a nationwide effort to build back greener. The UK target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 will require considerable effort and expansion of the existing workforce in renewable energy, building green infrastructure and focusing on projects like retrofitting our housing.
Recent studies suggest that job creation in tree planting, developing green spaces in urban areas, and coastal restoration could generate 16,000 new roles for over 120 communities most affected by the pandemic.
The movement towards a greener society means polluting jobs, such as those reliant on fossil fuels, will have to be replaced with greener ones to enable a realistic transition so everyone can be part of the movement towards a low carbon future.
The latest figures for green jobs measure green industry employment until 2019, recording 202,100 full-time positions in the low-carbon and renewable energy economy before the pandemic. The Government has pledged to increase the number of green industry jobs in the UK as part of its ten-point plan to achieve a green industry transformation.
A total of two million green jobs have been promised by 2030, and in 2020 a Green Jobs Taskforce was created to focus specifically on developing these roles.
Recent reports suggest that the average full-time green industry position pays, on average, £37,190 per year, 18% higher than the national average and 30% higher than jobs within the existing carbon-intensive sectors. Certain regions are more likely to see higher job developments and a boost in salaries in others, but some of these areas currently contain higher levels of unemployment. According to recent studies, the North-west, Yorkshire, and the Humber are forecast to benefit from new green industry jobs due to the shift in industrial and manufacturing hubs in these areas. Locations predicted to create fewer roles than the average include London and the South-East.
The UK’s underlying target for green jobs is to increase the low-carbon and environmental sectors to incorporate two million full-time based roles by 2030.