The Institute of Professional Soil Scientists
About Us
The Institute of Professional Soil Scientists (IPSS), founded in 1991, is a professional body that aims to promote and enhance the status of soil science and allied disciplines. IPSS prescribes the professional standards accepted by its members and strives continually to advance their competence in scientific and technical matters.
The Institute aims at all times to:
- Set and maintain the standards of professional competence
- Raise the status of the profession and soil science
- Represent the profession in the public domain at national and international level
- Accredit courses in soils and other related topics
- Influence standards and practice for the application of soil science in Europe and internationally
The Institute is a member of the Science Council and an awarding body for the qualification Chartered Scientist (CSci)
Benefits of membership
- Professional recognition and status that demonstrates competence at all levels
- Full members of the Institute are entitled to use the designatory letters M.I.Soil Sci.
- Members of the Society can apply to become Chartered Scientists (CSci)
- Professional accreditation and career development
- Professional contacts with national and international experts in the discipline
- Conferences and newsletters to keep you informed
- Representation on national issues
Who can join?
- Membership is open to all soil scientists and those with allied professional interests. To be eligible for registration, candidates must fulfil the following requirements:
- Have an appropriate academic qualification.
- Have practical experience in one of the branches of the profession
Membership grades
- Student Member: This non-corporate category aims to provide a foundation for future professional membership. Minimum age 18.
- Associate Member: The category of Associate Member is primarily intended for recent graduates who are in the early stages of their career and are gaining experience prior to applying for corporate membership.
- Member: The category of Member is the grade of corporate membership into which experienced soil scientists and allied disciplines normally seek entry.
- Fellow: Council may award the Fellow category to members who have achieved an important level of responsibility and professional experience and have become recognised nationally/internationally within the profession. The candidate would normally have been a Member of the Institute for 5 years.
- Non-Practising Member: This covers the Member who, for various reasons, is temporarily not practising professionally or is a retired colleague who wishes to contribute to Institute affairs. Corporate rights and privileges are retained.
For more information or to request an application pack please contact:
Dr Kathryn Allton
Building 53, Cranfield University,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire.
MK43 0AL
Tel: +44 (0)1234 752 983
Fax: +44(0)1234 752 970
Types of Soil Science jobs
Wetland specialist
Watershed technician
Hydrologist with Board of Health
Environmental technician
Soil and water quality specialist
Soil Conservationist
County Agricultural Agent
Landscaping business
Cooperative Extension Agent
Engineering Technician
Environmental Engineer
Farm Advisor
Hazardous Waste Specialist
Laboratory Technician/Assistant
Range Conservationist
Range Manager
On-site evaluation
Crop consultant
Soil scientist, mapping and interpretation, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Research technician
Conservation planner
District marketing manager for an agricultural firm
County conservationist
Crop production specialist
Research scientist
Agricultural Product Salesperson
Soil Chemist
Soil Conservation Technician
Soil Conservationist
Soil Fertility Expert
Soil Mapper
Soil Morphologist
Soil Physicist
Soil Scientist
Soil Surveyor
Soils Analyst
Soils Tester
Staff Research Associate
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